Journal Notes

Week 7

Day 33 – Monday, August 4, 2003

         I continued to make some adjustments to my document today. As I learn more about the program, there are some parts that I have to correct. Other than that I continued to do some testing (takes a long time) on the left lung, and also on the esophagus. I am realizing that when running the program on this data, the actual images and not getting resampled, and the resampled branch is not getting created. I was not sure if the problem was that the program could only handle data from the right lung because the values Zhenrong used in the program are hard coded. I therefore tried to recreate one of the arteries from the right lung and found I was having the same problem. I will continue to work on solving this problem tomorrow.

Day 34 – Tuesday, August 5, 2003

         I found out that the other guy who shares my office was having his thesis defense today. I thought that it would be a good idea to attend his defense just to see how they are and to get a better idea of the research that he was doing. I spent the rest of my day going through Zhenrong’s code to see if I can figure out why the resampled branch was not being created. There is a lot of code, and it is not well documented, so this is a little difficult.

Day 35 – Wednesday, August 6, 2003

         I am not feeling too well today, but am still getting a good amount done. I attended the weekly SIRS meeting. The goal of this meeting was to go over the reviewers’ comments on a paper that was submitted about EMILY – a Foundational Model query interface. I was able to figure out how to run the program so that it was able to complete the resampling and create the resampled branch. To test it out I recreated one of the arteries from the right lung successfully. That is all I had time for today.

Day 36 – Thursday, August 7, 2003

         I have had a pretty busy day today. I attended the weekly BISTI meeting and in which it was Linda’s turn to speak. I found her talk interesting because I was able to get an overview of the various projects that she has been heading. I made adjustments to my document, and also began working on the presentation that I will have to give on August 20th at the Summer Undergraduate Symposium. I also began testing the program on the left lung. I will let the program run overnight, as it takes several hours, and see what results I get tomorrow morning.

Day 37 – Friday, August 8, 2003

         I had left the program running last night on what I selected to be an artery in the left lung. There seemed to be no major problems when I came in, so I had to run the “arteries” that were created through another part of the program that completed the resampling and created the resampled branches. While the program was running I went through some of the papers I printed in the first few weeks for a literature search. Of all of the papers, I found only two to be good for this project. I then attended another going away lunch, this time for Tasha. The lunch was held at a café called Still Life; I found the food to be pretty good. After lunch, I tried to display the new set of “arteries” and there were problems displaying some of them. I found that the reconstruction was a bit strange; here is what it looked like: Possible Arteries. I need to now meet with an anatomist so that the can identify what are truly veins and arteries. Now I am going to work on my presentation a little before leaving for home.